Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of 11/2

Topics- Levels of Organization and starting Kingdoms of life on Friday.

11/2 Ribbon of Life (Levels of organization) Fold-able and Song
11/3 Cell: The Basic unit of Life. Reading and Think questions
11/4 Ribbon of Life pink pages 28 and 29
11/5 Quiz and Response sheet pink page 19
11/6 Shoe sorting, classification worksheets, and kingdoms of life reading.

This week's vocabulary 
Cell wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum

This Week's Homework is

Levels of Organization Quiz Thursday November 5th

Ribbon of life Fold-able due Thursday November 5th

This just looked interesting.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28/15 Resources.

Before the quiz-

Cell Vocabulary


       Quiz yourself


      Space Race


Cells Alive- Interactive Website

Inside-a-Cell- Interactive Website

Cell poster and marker board pen

Today's quiz

Type the following into the URL line. I will give you the rest of the URL in class. If you know keyboard short cuts- Highlight, control C, click on the URL line above, and finally Control V. After the quiz- prepare for vocabulary championships tomorrow.

After the quiz- prepare for vocabulary championships tomorrow.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Week of 10-26

Week of 10/26

10/26 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
10/27 Nucleus and ER
10/28 Cell Organelle Quiz- Cell Foldable Due today (classwork)
10/29 Vocabulary Championships- Month of October

This week's vocabulary 2 sets

Cell membrane
Cell wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum

This Week's Homework is

Cell Organelle Quiz Wednesday October 28th
Links to our Cell-a-bration

Link to a Cell Puzzle

Vocabulary Championships
This Month’s Sets
More Cells

Stream Study


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Its a Cell-a-bration!

Happy Mole day!

A short  vocab pretest. You will see this again in the spring. Completion grade only.
then lets Cell-a-brate

Let's Cell-a-brate!

Explore the cell in your own way. Choose at least one of the following and if it has an audio function, be kind and use headphones. Thank you.

Cell Vocabulary
      Direct Instruction- Flashcards-

      Quiz yourself- Learn-

      Quiz Yourself- Test (multiple formats)

      Gamer and competitive students- Scatter-

      Gamer and competitive students- Space Race

      Gamer and competitive students- Gravity

Gamer and Techies- Cells Alive- Interactive Website

Gamer and Techies- Inside-a-Cell- Interactive Website

Musician -Cell Song 1- "Cells"

Musician Cell Song 2 "Cells from other cells" (Cell theory is amazing)

Musician Cell Song 3- "Let me tell you about the cell"

Tactile/ spacial- Cell Puzzles are available to solve-

Cell poster and marker board pen

Friday, October 16, 2015

Week of 10-19

This week's topics are: Stream Study Finale, Cells, Cell Theory and Organelle

10/19 Field Trip- Dress for weather, waterproof shoes or old shoes, new pair of socks and dry shoes
10/20 Field Trip data entry and debriefing. (Picture Day)
10/21 Cells Start- Looking at our own cells and comparing to a plant. New Vocabulary Start
10/22 Cell Theory and Cell Analogies
10/23  Cell Foldable Start

Tentative and dependent on students understanding concepts
10/26 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
10/27 Nucleus and ER
10/28 Cell Organelle Quiz- Cell Foldable End
10/29 Vocabulary Championships- Month of October

This week's vocabulary 2 sets

Cell membrane
Cell wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum

This Week's Homework is

Cell Organelle Quiz Wednesday October 28

Science Events

White House Astronomy night- October 19th.

Delaware Section of the American Chemical Society- Celebrating National Chemistry Week
October 18-24
Event is on October 31

-----------> Poetry/Chemistry Contest

Contests, Contests, and more Contests.
Interested in science competitions to really hone your skills? Like to work with others. Check out the following contests and let me know if you are interested.

Delaware Technical Community College Science Fair- New Castle county region.
The Dupont Challenge
Shell Science Lab Challenge
Inaugural Bright Schools Competition
Exploravision competition
American Computer Science League- Junior Division 6-9

Science Contests and Events

Science Events

White House Astronomy night- October 19th.

Delaware Section of the American Chemical Society- Celebrating National Chemistry Week
October 18-24

-----------> Poetry/Chemistry Contest

Contests, Contests, and more Contests.
Interested in science competitions to really hone your skills? Like to work with others. Check out the following contests and let me know if you are interested.

Delaware Technical Community College Science Fair- New Castle county region.
The Dupont Challenge
Shell Science Lab Challenge
Inaugural Bright Schools Competition
Exploravision competition
American Computer Science League- Junior Division 6-9

Friday, October 9, 2015

Week of 10-12

Week of 10-12

This week's topic is: Stream study preparations

10/12 Water Biology- Biotic Factors

10/13 Water Chemistry- Abiotic Factors

10/14 Part I- Water quality Testing start

10/15 What is a watershed? Recording and Reporting

10/16   Using data to make claims and recomendations

This week's vocabulary is   A lot at once. There is no test, but students will be expected to understand this vocabulary in preparations for our field trip on Monday.

fresh water       Naturally occurring water with low amounts of salt. Ocean water contains approximately 3.5 % salt and is not safe to drink for humans.
groundwater     water that is located below the Earth's surface in the soil.
pollution          introduction of foreign substances or energy to an environment such that organisms in the environment are adversely affected.
potable referring to water, safe for humans to drink.
renewable resource      a resource that is replenished after it is used by living things in a short period of time. Generally, if the overall concentration of the resource on Earth does not change over time, it is considered renewable.
reservoir          large holding area for fresh (or potable) water. This term may also refer to a generalized part of the water cycle (e.g. groundwater, glaciers).
water cycle       a generalized representation of the transitions and movements water undergoes throughout the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere. The water cycle is not an actual description of a path of water through time or space, but a summary of the transitions water undergoes as ice, water, and vapor.
watershed        the entire geographic area directly affected by a body of water.
percolation       movement of water through a partition or medium, usually accompanied by the water dissolving substances as it moves through the partition.
porosity           the amount of space between particles in a partition or medium.
riparian            referring to rivers and streams.
riparian buffer zone      an area near riverbanks where plants with extensive root systems are established to prevent excessive runoff.
sediment          soil or other material deposited by running water, wind, or other moving matter.
Tributary           a smaller stream or river that empties into a larger stream or river.
dissolved oxygen         The amount of oxygen dissolved in a water sample. Dissolved oxygen is an indicator of whether the water source can support life.
macroinvertebrates      small invertebrates that have various tolerances for pollution. If certain sensitive macroinvertebrates are thriving in a watershed, that watershed is probably not polluted.
non-point source pollution       a type of pollution that occurs because of widespread contamination, where no one source is the cause (e.g. agricultural runoff)
pH        a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a water sample. A low pH indicates acid conditions, and a high pH indicates alkaline conditions. Living things can only survive in a narrow range of pH (near pH 7).
point source pollution  a type of pollution that occurs from a specific location or a specific action (e.g. dumping raw sewage at a broken line).
Topography     physical features of a region
Abiotic Nonliving
Biotic   Living
Thermal           Heat energy
Clarity  clearness
Turbidity          A measure of how clear water is.
Aerated Filled with air
Photosynthes   6CO2 + 6H2O + light --> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Salinity A measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a given amount of liquid
Algal    The rapid growth of a population of algae
ppm     parts per million
ppb      parts per billion
ppt       parts per trillion
anoxic  no oxygen
Nitrate  Nitrate is a nutrient needed by all aquatic plants and animals to build protein. The decomposition of dead plants and animals and the excretions of living animals release nitrate into aquatic system.
Terrestrial        (adj.) relating to the land (Elephants are terrestrial animals.)
Biodiversity      The number of species within a specific habitat.
Biomonitoring  biological approach moni-toring an ecosystem' s health

This Week's Homework is

Field Trip Permission Slop due 10/14/15

Friday, October 2, 2015

Week of 10-5

This week's topic is: Protista and aquatic micro-organisms

10/5 Measuring in Micro-biology-Field of View-  
The Sizes of things.-

10/6 Interpreting thin Sections and Focal Plane

10/7 Organisms Arrive? Elodea and Paramecium

10/8 Amoeba and Euglena

10/9 Mixed Flagellates and Open Micro-safari

This week's vocabulary is   
Still the same Vocabulary. 

Field of View
Focal Plane
Objective Lens
This Week's Homework is
Part of our science class is learning about microscope skills. This homework assignment is not graded, but appreciated. If you have access to a fresh water stream or pond would you be so kind to collect a muddy water sample from it and bring it in a sealed plastic container by Friday 10/9? Part of the microscope skill that we work on is finding and identifying small micro-organisms. Would it be interesting to see what aquatic micro-organisms are your neighbors?

No Quiz this week.