Friday, June 3, 2016

Last Week of School 6/6-6/9


6/6 <<academic challenge>> <<Solar ovens>><<locker clean-out start>>
Period 1+2 Students will prepare for the academic challenge, by playing Quizlet Live

Format- Team Kahoot- classic play

Kahoot Group forming.
2-3 players per team
Team must be formed from homeroom teammates

Team name must have all team member names and homeroom number ( 200c-BillyBobDaisy)

6/7 <<academic challenge day 2>> <<year book signing>><<locker clean-out start>>
Period 3+4 Students will prepare for the academic challenge, by playing Quizlet Live- 8th grade terminology

Kahoot Group forming.
*Small teams of 2-3 players will play against similarly ranked players based on previous day’s results.
2-3 players per team
Team must be formed from homeroom teammates
Team name must have all team member names and homeroom number and be the same as the day before ( 200c-BillyBobDaisy)

Combined scores from Day 1 and Day 2 win.

6/8 <<Delcastle Field Trip>> <<Final Locker Clean out>>

6/9 <<Packet Day>>