Friday, April 15, 2016

Week of 4/18/16

4/18  Career- Art Conservation Art

4/19 Trip to Air Mobility Command Museum

4/20 4/14 Ruined Chistmas

Legislative Hall

 Hidden Picasso-

4/21 Conservation Reading between the Lines-

4/22 Winterthur Trip and BSS Earth Day Making Pizza Box Solar Ovens

4/25  Winterthur Debriefing and Chromatography.

4/26- Green Penny Project Due.

The United States Federal Mint’s responsibility is the creation of a respected monetary system. Through this system great pieces of art have been created that preserve our history as American Citizens. The United States Penny is in trouble. Some people think that the penny should no longer be made. The federal mint used to create half-pennies, but because of the cost in making them they stopped. Abraham Lincoln Enthusiasts and the Zinc industry (major component of the current penny, in addition to copper) still want the penny to be created and distributed. It will be your role to take the penny I give you, figure out what caused it to turn green, clean it without scratching it, Use inferential analysis to figure out it’s origin (date, and mint) and finally come up with a way to preserve this penny from future desecration. A further investigation would be to figure out what caused the main entrance to Brandywine Springs door to turn green and what can be done to clean and preserve it for future generations of BSS school children.

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