Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coming Weeks 2/8- ?

Reading Madness has begun!

Please keep this URL in your records so you can fill out the reading madness form! It starts February 1st and ends April 22nd.

2/8  Searching for lost Children Day I
2/9 Searching for lost Children Day II

2/10 Mendel Peas Drama and coloring Mendel's peas


Charles Darwin, Artificial and natural selection, natural selction we can see

2/12 Quiz- Pedigree Analysis

Current Event is due-

2/12- 12/15  Paper People- Genetic Crosses Create a paper person

2/16 Intro to genetics, flower color hybrids,  gene symbols, co-dominance and blood types, the 

double helix.

2/17 Paper People II- Looking for pattern

2/18  Paper People III- Adaptations and evolution

2/19 Jeopardy and vocab games

2/20 Jeopardy and Kahoot

2/21 Genetic Final

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