Wednesday, August 31, 2016

App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge is a congressional initiative to encourage students to learn how to code, through the creation of their own original apps.


Winning students will:


  • Have an opportunity to meet their Member of Congress.
  • Have their app recognized on and
  • Have their app put up on display in the Capitol Building for a full year.
  • Receive part of the $50,000 in AWS credits that Amazon Web Services has donated to be distributed across the Congressional App Challenge winners.


The challenge is open to students in high school and below, and students may compete as individuals or in teams of up to four. Students must register online. Apps must be submitted by November 2. As long as students meet the eligibility requirements, they are welcome to submit apps created in class or through other programs (so if students created an app through an AP CS class last year, they may submit that app to this year’s Challenge). 


For more information about the Challenge registration and submission process, please visit our website


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